Pokémon GO Cooldown Chart: Everything You Need to Know

by Zahra Michelle Location Tips Published On Aug 29, 2023 Updated On Dec 15, 2023
Table of Content

If you've been struggling with Pokémon GO cooldown time and are unable to embark on your journey to be the very best, then you've come to the right place. In this article, you will learn:

  1. What is a cooldown in Pokémon GO
  2. Pokémon GO cooldown chart
  3. What actions can and won't cause a cooldown period to be triggered
  4. What happens if you trigger a cooldown
  5. How can you spoof safely

If this is the information you've been looking for, stick around as we venture through the tall grass of the internet and find out what this problem is and how we can work around it to get back out in the augmented world of Pokémon GO.

What is Pokémon GO Cooldown

Cooldown, at face value, means a period of time during which a specific action, ability, or effect is temporarily disabled, limited, or restricted in its use.

This concept is commonly found in various forms of video games, sports, and other activities where timing and balance are important.

When it comes to Pokémon GO, the cooldown refers to the time you must wait after you've traveled over a long distance via spoofing and before interacting with anything on the map. This allows you to protect your account from getting banned, either temporarily or permanently.

The longest you have to wait while moving long distance is currently set at 2 hours maximum, which is the wait time you must bear to avoid triggering a cooldown while spoofing.

Pokémon GO Cooldown Chart

While you are okay with waiting for the app to work, how would you know how long you would need to wait, especially when Pokémon GO keeps track of the cooldown to the last second?

Well, to keep it simple, the cooldown works just like you would expect, meaning the longer distance you spoof over, the longer the cooldown would be, with the longest wait time being 2 hours.

And this will be triggered if you decide to jump continents. To make keeping track easier, here is the cooldown chart:

Distance Covered

Cooldown Time

1 Km

1 Min

2 Km

1 Min

4 Km

2 Mins

10 Km

8 Mins

12 Km

9 Mins

15 Km

11 Mins

20 Km

13 Mins

25 Km

15 Mins

30 Km

18 Mins

40 Km

22 Mins

45 Km

23 Mins

60 Km

25 Mins

80 Km

27 Mins

100 Km

30 Mins

125 Km

33 Mins

140 Km

34 Mins

150 Km

36 Mins

180 Km

39 Mins

200 Km

42 Mins

250 Km

46 Mins

300 Km

50 Mins

350 Km

53 Mins

400 Km

56 Mins

500 Km

64 Mins

600 Km

72 Mins

750 Km

82 Mins

800 Km

86 Mins

900 Km

93 Mins

950 Km

97 Mins

1000 Km

100 Mins

1150 Km

111 Mins

1200 Km

115 Mins

1250 Km

118 Mins

1266+ Km

120 Mins

What Actions Trigger the Cooldown Period

It is essential to know which actions trigger the cooldown period to avoid being detected for suspicious activity. Some common triggers right after spoofing are:

  1. Catching a wild Pokemon
  2. Accidentally dropping a ball on an encounter screen even if you're in a raid
  3. Feeding a berry to a wild Pokemon, even if you're in a raid
  4. Spinning a Pokestop, regardless of its spin limit
  5. Placing your Pokemon in a gym
  6. Feeding a gym defender that's in your screen radar
  7. Taking part in gym battles
  8. Fleeing Pokemon due to your catch limit
  9. Using a Gotcha device to spin and catch

Now you know what to be careful of the next time you spoof your location in the game.

What Actions That Will Not Trigger Cooldown

Along with actions that trigger cooldowns, there are some that are actually no harm. Here's a list of things that are safe to do during the cooldown period:

  1. Teleporting
  2. Encountering a wild Pokemon
  3. Feeding a gym defender remotely
  4. Autowalking during the game
  5. Hatching your Pokemon eggs
  6. Completing quests and weekly rewards
  7. Catching a reward Pokemon from a quest
  8. Speed raids 2 hours after a cooldown
  9. Opening and exchanging gifts
  10. Evolving your Pokemon
  11. Powering-up a Pokemon's abilities
  12. Trading your Pokemon
  13. Taking snapshots of a Pokémon
  14. Changing a Buddy Pokemon
  15. Gaining Buddy candies
  16. Using items (healing items, evolution items, TMs) on a Pokémon
  17. Using Stardust and Candies to gain a second chance to catch a Pokémon
  18. Using Incense, Lucky Egg, and/or Starpiece
  19. Deleting items from your storage
  20. Taking part in Player vs. Player battles
  21. Having a Team leader vs. Player battle
  22. Using a Lure Module at a Pokestop
  23. Buying coins and shop items
  24. Changing the clothes and style of their avatars and dolls
  25. Moving a Pokemon to Switch to get a Mystery Box
  26. Getting a free raid pass by clicking an ongoing raid gym
  27. Catching Pokemon from the Photobombs like Smeargle and Party Hat Pikachu

All of this can be a lot to handle, so take your time.

What Happens If You Break Pokémon GO's Cooldown?

This cooldown system is designed to prevent players from engaging in certain actions too quickly or in multiple locations, especially when it comes to catching Pokémon or spinning PokéStops.

If you break the cooldown in Pokémon GO, you will receive a "Try Again Later" message, and repeated offenses may cause you to encounter several consequences:

  1. Soft Ban: If you violate the cooldown by engaging in actions like catching Pokémon or spinning PokéStops in different locations too quickly, you may receive a soft ban. During a soft ban, you can still log into the game, but your ability to interact with the game world will be limited. For example, you won't be able to catch Pokémon, spin PokéStops, or participate in raids.
  2. Shadow Ban: If you consistently violate the cooldown or engage in other forms of cheating or exploiting, you may receive a shadow ban. During a shadow ban, you will encounter fewer Pokémon in the wild, and special Pokémon like Shiny Pokémon may not appear for you. It's a way to discourage players from cheating.
  3. Permanent Ban: Repeated violations of the game's terms of service, including breaking the cooldown, can result in a permanent ban from Pokémon GO. This means you will no longer be able to access your account and lose all progress and items associated with it.

It's important to note that Niantic, the company behind Pokémon GO, periodically updates the game and its anti-cheating measures.

What Happens If You Get A Soft Ban?

When you get a soft ban in Pokémon GO, it means you're temporarily restricted from certain in-game actions, but your account is not permanently banned. Here's what happens:

  1. Limited Gameplay: During a soft ban, you can still log into the game, see the map, and interact with features like visiting PokéStops and spinning them. However, your ability to catch Pokémon, battle in raids, and participate in other activities will be restricted.
  2. No Catching Pokémon: The most noticeable limitation is that you won't be able to catch Pokémon. When you encounter a Pokémon and throw a Poké Ball at it, it will usually break free and flee immediately, making it impossible to add it to your collection.
  3. Raids and Gym Battles: You won't be able to participate in raid battles or gym battles during a soft ban. If you attempt to join a raid, you'll be removed from the battle before it starts.
  4. Reduced Pokémon Encounters: You might notice that you encounter fewer Pokémon in the wild while under a soft ban. This can make it challenging to progress in the game.
  5. Duration: Soft bans are typically temporary and can last for a few hours to a few days, depending on the severity of the violation.
  6. Reasons for Soft Bans: Soft bans are usually imposed for actions that suggest cheating or misuse of the game, such as GPS spoofing (faking your location), rapidly changing locations, or using third-party apps that violate Pokémon GO's terms of service.
  7. Warning: A soft ban can also serve as a warning from the game's developers, Niantic, to remind you to play by the rules. It's a milder punishment compared to a permanent ban, which can result from repeated violations.

How Long Must I Wait for Soft Ban?

The longest wait you need to commit to is 2 hours if you have been softbanned. Other than that, depending on how long you teleport to, the time that must be waited out before you can play again to avoid the soft ban. To check how long you'd have to wait, please consult the table provided above!

Spoof in Pokémon GO Safely with In-Build Cooldown Timer

Now as Pokémon GO has garnered huge success across the world, more and more people have jumped on the spoofing bandwagon. However, as more people get involved in spoofing,

Niantic has put in quite a few countermeasures to fight against spoofers, the biggest being the soft ban. Now, most spoofers do what they promised: teleport you around and not care about the rest; however, one tool out there doesn't instantly teleport you, and make sure you avoid the soft ban.

Introducing iMocker, a professional iOS spoofing tool that helps you to teleport your iPhone's GPS to the location of your choice and keeps a notification going that lets you know how long you should wait for the cooldown time.

Now, how does this tool teleport while keeping the spoofing under wraps for the cooldown rules? Here're the steps:

Step 1. Download iMocker

To change your location in the app, first, download and install iMocker onto your computer. Then connect your device to the computer.

connect your iOS device

Step 2. Activate Teleport Mode

Then find the "Teleport mode" button in the upper right of the screen. When you tap it, a "Cooling Timer" timer will appear.

Teleport Mode

Step 3. Choose a New Location

Pick the place you want to go to and tap Move Here to teleport there.

Move Here

Step 4. Wait for the Cooldown Timer

The timer will automatically figure out how long you need to wait before you can do it again. This wait time depends on how far you're moving.

iMocker Cooldown Timer

Reset the Timer: If you want to clear the timer and start over, simply click the "Reset" button. This is useful for when you plan to change your location again in the future. The timer will then recalculate the wait time for your next move.

Turn Off the Timer: If you decide you don't want to wait between location changes, tap the "cooldown" button again to switch off the timer. This way, you can move around without any waiting time.

To Conclude

And there you have it, all the information in the world pertaining to the cooldown periods and ban prevalent in Pokémon GO. As these pesky cooldowns continue to take the spot of Team Rocket in your pokemon journey, this article is your way of blasting them off to the moon!

Zahra Michelle

Meet Zahra Michelle, the spirited force behind the screen, navigating the digital realm with the finesse of a seasoned Pokemon GO trainer. When she's not on the quest to catch 'em all, you'll find her crafting insightful content on location-based AR games, iOS and Android apps, and offering ingenious phone hacks and solutions.

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